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Convective Overstability in radially global protoplanetary disks. II. Impact on planetesimal formation

Lehmann, M., Lin, M.-K., submitted

DPNNet-3.0: Identifying hidden planets and estimating their masses from protoplanetary disks images using Convolutional Neural Networks

Praharaj, S., Auddy, A., Turner, N., Dey, R., Lin, M.-K., ApJ, submitted

An MHD-based model for wind-driven disc-planet interactions

Hammer, M., Lin, M.-K., submitted

Dust dynamics in radially convective regions of protoplanetary disks

Lin, M.-K., Lehmann, M., ApJ, 980, 94

Rossby Wave Instability in weakly ionized protoplanetary
disks. I. azimuthal or vertical B-fields

Cui, C., Tripathi, A., Yu, C., Lin, M.-K., Youdin, A., MNRAS, 537, 1973

Observational signatures of dust traffic jams in polar-aligning circumbinary disks

Smallwood. J.L., Nealon, R., Yen, H.-W., Pinte, C., Longarini, C., Aly, H., Lin, M.-K., ApJL, 976, L23

Streaming instabilities in accreting protoplanetary disks: A parameter study

Wang, S.-C., Lin, M.-K., 2024, ApJ, 976, 157

Polar alignment of a dusty circumbinary disc – II. Application to 99 Herculis

Smallwood, J. L., Lin, M.-K., Nealon, R., Aly, H., Longarini, C., 2024, MNRAS, 534, 4018

Rossby Wave Instability and substructure formation in 3D non-ideal MHD wind-launching disks

Hsu, C.-Y., Li, Z.-Y., Tu, Y., Hu, X., Lin, M.-K., 2024,MNRAS, 533, 2980

Shoulder of dust rings formed by planet-disk interactions

Bi, J., Lin, M.-K., 2024, ApJ, 971, 76

Polar alignment of a dusty circumbinary disc – I. Dust ring formation

Smallwood, J. L., Lin, M.-K., Aly, H., Nealon, R., Longarini, C., 2024, MNRAS, 532, 1068

Convective overstability in radially global protoplanetary disks I - Pure gas dynamics

Lehmann, M., Lin, M.-K., 2024, ApJ, 970, 15

Dust dynamics in Hall-effected protoplanetary disks.
I. Background Drift Hall Instability

Wu, Y., Lin, M.-K., Cui, C., Krapp, L., Lee, Y.-N., Youdin, A.N., 2024, ApJ, 962, 173

Filament formation due to diffusive instabilities in dusty protoplanetary disks

Gerbig, K., Lin, M.-K., Lehmann, M., 2024, ApJ, 961, 183

How to form compact and longer-lived planet-induced vortices: VSI, planet migration, or re-triggers, but not feedback

Hammer, M., Lin, M.-K., 2023, MNRAS, 525, 123

Distinguishing magnetized disc winds from turbulent viscosity
through substructure morphology in planet-forming discs

Wu, Y., Chen, Y.-X., Jiang, H., Dong, R., Macias, E., Lin, M.-K., Rosotti, G.P., Elbakyan, V., 2023, MNRAS, 523, 2630

Hydro-, magnetohydro-, and dust-gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks

Lesur, G., Flock, M., Ercolano, B., Lin, M.-K., Yang, C.-C., Barranco, J.A., Benitez-Llambay, P., Goodman, J., Johansen, A., Klahr, H., Laibe, G., Lyra, W., Marcus, P., Nelson, R.P., Squire., J., Simon, J.B., Turner, N., Umurhan, O.M., Youdin, A.N., 2023, Protostars and Planets VII, ASP Conference Series, 534, 465

Instabilities in dusty non-isothermal protoplanetary discs

Lehmann, M., Lin, M.-K., 2023, MNRAS, 522, 5892

Gap-opening planets make dust rings wider

Bi, J., Lin, M.-K., Dong, R., 2023, ApJ, 942, 80

Nonlinear evolution of streaming instabilities in accreting protoplanetary disks

Hsu, C.-Y., Lin, M.-K., 2022, ApJ, 937, 55

Using Bayesian Deep Learning to infer planet mass from gaps in protoplanetary disks

Auddy, S., Dey, R., Lin, M.-K., Carrera, D., Simon, J.B., 2022, ApJ, 936, 93

Revealing the drag instability in the one-fluid non-ideal MHD simulations of a 1D isothermal C-shock

Gu, P.-G., Chen, C.-C., Shen, E., Yen, C.-C., Lin, M.-K., 2022, ApJ, 935, 95

Impact of local pressure enhancements on dust concentration in turbulent protoplanetary discs

Lehmann, M., Lin, M.-K., 2022, A&A, 658, A156

Streaming instabilities in accreting and magnetized laminar protoplanetary disks

Lin, M.-K., Hsu, C.-Y., 2022, ApJ, 926, 14

DPNNet-2.0 Part I: Finding hidden planets from simulated images of protoplanetary disk gaps

Auddy, S., Dey, R., Lin, M.-K., Hall, C., 2021, ApJ, 920, 3

On the vertical shear instability in magnetized protoplanetary disks

Cui, C., Lin, M.-K., 2021, MNRAS, 505, 2983

Which planets trigger longer-lived vortices: low-mass or high-mass?

Hammer, M., Lin, M.-K., Kratter, K.M., Pinilla, P., 2021, MNRAS, 504, 3963

Puffed up edges of planet-opened gaps in protoplanetary disks I. Hydrodynamic simulations

Bi, J., Lin, M.-K., Dong, R., 2021, ApJ, 912, 107

Stratified and vertically-shearing streaming instabilities in protoplanetary disks

Lin, M.-K., 2021, ApJ, 907, 64

A Machine Learning model to infer planet masses from gaps observed in protoplanetary disks

Auddy, S., Lin, M.-K., 2020, ApJ, 900, 62

Migrating low-mass planets in inviscid dusty protoplanetary discs

Hsieh, H.-F., Lin, M.-K., 2020, MNRAS, 497, 2425

How efficient is the streaming instability in viscous protoplanetary disks?

Chen, K., Lin, M.-K., 2020, ApJ, 891, 132

Vortex instabilities triggered by low-mass planets in pebble-rich, inviscid protoplanetary discs

Pierens, A., Lin, M.-K., Raymond, S.N., 2019, MNRAS, 488, 645

Dust settling against hydrodynamic turbulence in protoplanetary discs

Lin, M.-K., 2019, MNRAS, 485, 5221

Observational diagnostics of elongated planet-induced vortices with realistic planet formation timescales

Hammer, M., Pinilla, P., Kratter, K.M., Lin, M.-K., 2019, MNRAS, 482, 3609

On the evolution of vortices in massive protoplanetary discs

Pierens, A., Lin, M-K., 2018, MNRAS, 479, 4878

Dusty disc-planet interaction with dust-free simulations

Chen, J-W., Lin, M-K., 2018, MNRAS, 478, 2737

Vortex survival in 3D self-gravitating accretion discs

Lin, M-K., Pierens, A., 2018, MNRAS, 478, 575

Lin, M-K., Youdin, A. N., 2017, ApJ, 849, 129

Hammer, M., Kratter, K.M., Lin, M-K., 2017, MNRAS, 466, 3533

Vertical shear instability in the solar nebula

Lin, M-K., Youdin, A. N., 2016, IAUS 314 Proceedings

Gap formation and stability in non-isothermal protoplanetary discs

Les, R., Lin, M-K., 2015, MNRAS, 450, 1503

One-armed spirals in locally isothermal, radially structured self-gravitating discs

Lin, M-K., 2015, MNRAS, 448, 3806

Cooling requirements for the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks

Lin, M-K., Youdin, A. N., 2015, ApJ, 811, 17

Linear stability of magnetized massive protoplanetary disks

Lin, M-K., 2014, ApJ, 790, 13

Gravitational instability of planetary gaps and its effect on orbital migration

Lin, M-K., Cloutier, R., 2014, IAUS 299 Proceedings

Testing large-scale vortex formation against viscous layers in three-dimensional discs

Lin, M-K., 2014, MNRAS, 437, 575

Steady state of dust distributions in disk vortices: observational predictions and applications to transitional disks

Lyra, W., Lin, M-K., 2013, ApJ, 775, 17

Orbital migration of giant planets induced by gravitationally unstable gaps: the effect of planet mass

Cloutier, R., Lin, M-K., 2013, MNRAS, 434, 621

Instabilities at planetary gap edges in 3D self-gravitating disks

Lin, M-K., 2013, ISPP, EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 46

Non-barotropic linear Rossby wave instability in three-dimensional disks

Lin, M-K., 2013, ApJ, 765, 84

Effects of upper disc boundary conditions on the linear Rossby wave instability

Lin, M-K., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 190

Vortex and spiral instabilities at gap edges in three-dimensional self-gravitating disc-satellite simulations

Lin, M-K., 2012, MNRAS, 426, 3211

Rossby wave instability in locally isothermal and polytropic disks: three-dimensional linear calculations

Lin, M-K., 2012, ApJ, 754, 21

Outward migration of a giant planet with a gravitationally unstable gap edge

Lin, M-K., Papaloizou, J.C.B.,  2012, MNRAS, 421, 780

Spin-down of protostars through gravitational torques

Lin, M-K., Krumholz, M.R., Kratter, K.M., 2011. MNRAS, 416, 580

Edge modes in self-gravitating disc-planet interactions

Lin, M-K., Papaloizou, J.C.B., 2011, MNRAS, 415, 1445

The effect of self-gravity on vortex instabilities in disc-planet interactions

Lin, M-K., Papaloizou, J.C.B., 2011, MNRAS, 415, 1426

Lin, M-K., Papaloizou, J.C.B., 2010, MNRAS, 405, 1473

Lin, M-K., Silvers, L.J., Proctor, M.R.E., 2008, Physics  Letters A, 373, 69

© 2022 Min-Kai Lin

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