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DPNNet-3.0: Identifying hidden planets and estimating their masses from protoplanetary disks images using Convolutional Neural Networks
Praharaj, S., Auddy, A., Turner, N., Dey, R., Lin, M.-K., ApJ, submitted
An MHD-based model for wind-driven disc-planet interactions
Hammer, M., Lin, M.-K., submitted
Dust dynamics in radially convective regions of protoplanetary disks
Lin, M.-K., Lehmann, M., ApJ, in press
Rossby Wave Instability in weakly ionized protoplanetary
disks. I. azimuthal or vertical B-fields
Cui, C., Tripathi, A., Yu, C., Lin, M.-K., Youdin, A., MNRAS, in press
Hydro-, magnetohydro-, and dust-gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks
Lesur, G., Flock, M., Ercolano, B., Lin, M.-K., Yang, C.-C., Barranco, J.A., Benitez-Llambay, P., Goodman, J., Johansen, A., Klahr, H., Laibe, G., Lyra, W., Marcus, P., Nelson, R.P., Squire., J., Simon, J.B., Turner, N., Umurhan, O.M., Youdin, A.N., 2023, Protostars and Planets VII, ASP Conference Series, 534, 465
Hammer, M., Kratter, K.M., Lin, M-K., 2017, MNRAS, 466, 3533
Lin, M-K., Kratter, K.M., 2016, ApJ, 824, 91
Lin, M-K., Silvers, L.J., Proctor, M.R.E., 2008, Physics Letters A, 373, 69
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